A dream come true

A field of dreams carried you into my vision. I see you tracing footsteps in the sunlight. Flowers reaching up for your adoring embrace. An umbrella of birds now towering above you, dropping messages from a time and space not recognized in this form.

I witness a memory reaching for freedom. And gift of song from the trees echoing from above. A scenery painted in a spectrum of divinity expressing itself through a life long dream. A crack in the sky reveals a glimpse of heaven, and a gift of forever filled to the brim. Butterflies nesting in my stomach. Making beauty.

I see a landscape of possibilities. A taste of sweetness on my lips. It is Spring time, and flowers are blooming in my heart. I can see you clearly now. Arriving from a journey across a field of flowers. Vibrantly I see you and the essence of your soul. The honor you make choices from. The respect your energy sprouts from. And your dedication to a life full of meaning.

Life turns quiet as my inside turns on. Light flows in from everywhere. Reality turns like a switch. I feel a shock wave down my spine. My eyes now sharpen into a tunnel vision. I’m holding my breath as this meeting is leaving me paralyzed by recognition.

The air embraces me. I’m held by faith. And loved by you.

My heart is tickled by this mystical package and its sudden arrival. An impulse arises, a swirling desire to unlock the hidden essence of my life force, stored deep below for a rainy day. It must be rainy outside. I see rainbows everywhere.

I climb into the now fully, as if it’s my last chance to wear my best outfit. Speak my unconditional love. Share myself fully with you, with nothing hidden. A desire for you to experience me fully. I’m calling you with the grip of my gaze. I open myself in your direction.

I’m grounding myself into reality, while I’m sharing the preciousness of my existence with you. Sinking my feet into the present, wrapping my toes around the earth while drinking from you. Filling up from the inside out and extend my reach in the direction of now. The eternal residing in the now. I’m sharing in the eternal resting in the now. Forever present. Forever real. Forever and always.

Then breathe in the heavens and breathe out love fearlessly.

I’m Allowing myself to drop below and move from there. A surrender into myself. Falling into grace. Moving into stillness. And then expanding into life. Receiving me fully. Receiving you fully.

Allowing your love to penetrate my core. Vibrating into a light frequency of thin air. Merging with the wind. Weightless drifting through existence. Side by side. Watching as we near the horizon. Greeting the sun. Bubbling over from ecstasy. Claiming freedom as we drift on top of the light. Enhancing life by sharing ourselves fully with it. No holding back. Magnifying the vastness of our potential. Sharing our beauty with the world. Cups over flow with the fullness of life. Experienced through our journey expanding from love."

A calling Home


A calling echoes for myself … 
The time has arrived for me to put my stories on the floor and move the fuck on.  I will turn around one last time, and watch as my footprints are dissolving with my past. Carrying with them a platform for others on their journey upward in search of the light through the dark. 
An expression is forming from the depths of my soul surfacing with mystical medicine, spreading balance rippling across the earth, smothering the old and filling the cracks with a fragrance of harmony and receptivity.  An existence now turning back to nature, with new memories now in the making. Creating a life worth living filled with sensational victories and hearts exploding with exstacy.
I see my soul reaching for freedom
I’m opening myself in the direction of life and allow the vibration of my heart to permeate you, as I allow myself to be witnessed by you, in my dance through life. 
An expression from deep within, flowering from the inside out. Giving myself to myself, overflowing with love, too much to contain inside so please share in the overflow.
Continuing to drop into the unknown, naked, open and vulnerable.  And then moment by moment the unvailing begins. Dropping layer after layer. Bit by bit until I stand bare, naked and in full emptiness.
Empowered by pure feminine essence.  Receiving life. Receiving you. Receiving me.
Away I go.
Through the gates I go, diving into the dark, trusting the light in my heart to lead the way.
I am here. See me. Feel me. Watch me.
I see you. I feel you. And you are beautiful.
Watch me, as I loosen my grip, reaching for freedom, open my arms, leaning forward and let go into everything, resting in a place of nothing.
Choosing love remembering there is no death. My spirit has never died.
We all live forever.  And so as this knowing grounds into me, letting go of the illusion of death, I begin to fall into myself.  Falling … spiraling …. Falling …. Trusting ….
Dropping… I see life takes me by the hand and I begin to walk where spirits only reside, expressing my soul, voicing her wisdom through the strong vibration echoing in my heart.
A calling echoed for myself … a calling now answered.
I am finally home.


Mystery of my soul

At the center of now is a journey spiraling into the mystery of my soul. Spiraling round and round leaving me lightheaded and in a sense-withdrawal. A desire to understand the one sitting at the center of my home. A whirlwind of new is blindfolding my perception of reality. Perhaps a walk through the tunnel in the clouds, to the other side of life, will open the gates through which all shall be revealed. Too much mystery, this soul of mine... and yet, not enough! Into the mystery I go! Spiraling inward 

A dream we call reality

We live in a dream world with an endless supply of hidden potential. Can we allow ourselves to walk across the bridge of forever, listen to stories untold for a future at hand, a new world in the making. These stories will overflow and flood all the gates and entrances to our library of wisdom and knowing. A flash of light will permeate our crown chakra, and merge with a fusion of green crystal light at the center of our hearts.

With a heart wide open, and a soul remembering the ancient, and a body in rest, preparing for a journey into the unconscious. It is watching, and waiting for us to fall into a deep slumber, dropping into reality through the entrance of the dream world. Reality hidden under the umbrella of make belief. In this dream a journey in search of long forgotten wisdom and in honor of a soul in need of remembering. In honor of soul connections in need of remembering one another, so the love can embrace us once more, so we can rest from a long journey in search of like-minded beings.

The ability to see our reality has faded into a cloud of dust, and over a period of time we lost our direction and our journey into our dream world. A place in reality but a place too real to grasp, and so the only way for us to find a way for it to exist in our world, is to call it something other. A dream.

And dreams aren’t real, or are they?

Across the bridge of sleep I invite you to join me on this journey into the realness of existence. It is reality painted in a world covered in dreams. The fantasy of it all is asking that you drop what you think you know, and come play in the magic where time and space, in reality, are the real dream. What you think you know, and live by, day in and day out, is in fact the dream world. And what happens in the dark after you drop away from the conscious light, is in fact the reality of existence. It is there, underneath the layers of the conscious mind, where we find our path and direction to continue this journey we’re on.

And that which are unseen, the mystery of the dark, is the journey lit through guideposts, illuminators and light bearers of our ancestors, showing us the way to reality, through a dream of what we label as make belief.

What will happen if I give in to this mysterious encounter, and allow my body to fall so deep asleep, that my soul can rise to the freedom of its inheritance? Flying through the moment, traveling, building castles in the sky. Designing a home underneath the hidden, in the corners of existence. Tracing back time, gathering footprints along the river of life.

Locking in visions from time and space, flowering from the inside out. Drinking from the fountain of life, and sharing it, in a rain poor, sprouting all hidden potential for this life, so all can birth the dream world, into reality. A dream, a dream of another world we walk into reality. May the real existence please stand up, take the label of truth, and light the way through the dreamscape of our potential."

Different Shade of Rainbow

What happens when what you desire in life, become you? When a vision you had about a life, is now stamped on the ground you walk on? The rays of light penetrate your awareness and color your perception with a new insight.


I see something other than what I have in the past. The mirror now is shining in a different shade of rainbow.  A desire to become something other, has handed me a discovery of thy true self. I never thought I could ever be the one I admire, and look upon in wonder. The appearance of the light through the shadow has to do with my reference point. A reference point that shows me the path of healing I’ve been on. It sheds light on what has left my blood, purifying my heart, and creating solidity in the foundation of my being. I merged with the one I have been in wonder of. How did she birth into this earthly presence?


Perhaps little by little, breath by breath.


Dripping sweat from a hard labored healing journey, creating a pond with a mirror like image, more beautiful than any dream in the making. Rose colored, rich in life and its promises.


Family who I looked up to in the past, now seemed to carry a different shade of rainbow. Have I met those who I have been in admiration of? Not that it really matters to the heart of mine, and yet, in awe I sit, speechless, allowing this newfound discovery to blend into my understanding. Filing away in the newfound me. A reference point, a family being, a gift of self-discovery. I thank thee for showing me, the new of whom I have become.

 And I now see you clearly, brother. So many lessons compressed into one visit, conspired by the heavens. I’m beginning to see an ocean of reflections for my soul. The waves washed the dirt out of my eyes, and what I see now is so very different from yesterday. I am not that, which my mind was stuck in for a very long time. I am this. And this is not that of yesterday. And this is so much more of what I expected of tomorrow.


I see an energy we share. An energy big enough to destruct all of humanity. The volatility spread pain as far as it can scream. I see a thread that is keeping us caged in and twisted into a whirlwind of confusion. I will walk till end of time in search of healing and liberation from this tormented monster. I see it sucking the life out of my mother, my brother and I. But for me, less and less. And I ask that the tenticles get weaker and weaker that is keeping me hostage. And I ask instead may I master the process of healing in this part of my lineage so I can free those who are enslaved by this monster.


And so we heal, we teach, we learn we teach, we teach, we become, we become, we enjoy. We enjoy, we live. We live. We are. As we are, we become love. Then love becomes the medicine of all. Yes, we become the medicine for all.

 And then life turns a different shade of rainbow. And the reflection in the mirror, an image I look upon in wonder. Can it be that I am that? Thank you for another reference point, showing me the mirror image of the soul I am. The healing I am. The love I am. And the different shade of rainbow I mirror onto you

Dropping Below

At the center of now is a journey spiraling into the mystery of my soul. Spiraling round and round leaving me lightheaded and in sense withdrawal. A desire to understand the one that is sitting at the center of the now.
A whirlwind of new is blindfolding my perception of reality. Perhaps a walk through the tunnel in the clouds, to the other side of life, will open the gates through which all shall be revealed. A cloudy vision is now blending the colors and objects around me into a messy brown shape, spiraling and swallow the cosmos into a funnel, pulling downward into the center of now.
And birthing an even stronger desire to walk through the mystery of my soul at the center of now. A feeling of heavy is tugging on my sleeve pulling me down, attempting to knock me into a deep sleep. The gateway to sleep keeps luring me in, and the wake full hours seem like eternity.
Too much mystery, this soul of mine.
With each blink of an eye I discover more difficulty to keep my eyelids open, so that the daylight can continue to filter in, and bless my soul. The heavy energy is sucking me back deeper into sleep filled hours, a journey into the great mystery of my soul at the center of now. The air feels so heavy, as if I’m dragging my body through mud.
All strengths are now called upon in urgency, asking to work together, overcoming this sensation of deep sleep during these sunny wake full hours. What's this strong energy tugging so fiercely on my wake full army? Am I in lack of sweet slumber for my soul? Am I worn out from a long journey, a walk back in search of freedom at the center of home?
And yet I feel I can't rest now. There is a whole lifetime still to discover, to become, to study, to express through, to remember, things to do, people to guide, healing needed in myself. Ideas keeps streaming in, thoughts, visions, ideas and they are all keeping me wide awake. This energy management that I have had to deal with most my life, is it ever going to get easier?
This power is pulling too hard for my will to stay afloat in the waking hours. I feel myself sliding down. My grip is slipping and I'm beginning to fall. The ground is now beginning to swallow me bit by bit as I'm sinking, melting, dropping into the belly I go. Dropping down into the center of now. The blinking of my eyes has slowed even more and now seem as if the slow motion is moving in slow motion, and all around is speeding up. I’m spiraling. Where am I going?
Too tired to care anymore. My grip softens. My jaw lets go. The frown between my eyes disappears and I slide downward. Collapsing into the earth, as she shallows me bit my bit. And I’m sinking. Deeper and deeper. The darkness covers my eyes and the light flickers weaker, and fades as I allow my eyelids to do as they desire. All seem serene now. All seem quiet now. I feel safe. I surrender. I'm spiraling deeper into the center of now. A journey inward. Moving into stillness. Motionless. Senseless. Sweet rest. Eternal stillness. Sublime wakeful sleep.

At the center of now is a journey spiraling into the mystery of my soul. Spiraling round and round leaving me lightheaded and in sense withdrawal. A desire to understand the one that is sitting at the center of the now. A whirlwind of new is blindfolding my perception of reality. Perhaps a walk through the tunnel in the clouds, to the other side of life, will open the gates through which all shall be revealed.

A cloudy vision is now blending the colors and objects around me into a messy brown shape, spiraling and swallow the cosmos into a funnel, pulling downward into the center of now. And birthing an even stronger desire to walk through the mystery of my soul at the center of now. A feeling of heavy is tugging on my sleeve pulling me down, attempting to knock me into a deep sleep. The gateway to sleep keeps luring me in, and the wake full hours seem like eternity. Too much mystery, this soul of mine. 

With each blink of an eye I discover more difficulty to keep my eyelids open, so that the daylight can continue to filter in, and bless my soul. The heavy energy is sucking me back deeper into sleep filled hours, a journey into the great mystery of my soul at the center of now. The air feels so heavy, as if I’m dragging my body through mud. All strengths are now called upon in urgency, asking to work together, overcoming this sensation of deep sleep during these sunny wake full hours.

What's this strong energy tugging so fiercely on my wake full army? Am I in lack of sweet slumber for my soul? Am I worn out from a long journey, a walk back in search of freedom at the center of home? And yet I feel I can't rest now. There is a whole lifetime still to discover, to become, to study, to express through, to remember, things to do, people to guide, healing needed in myself. Ideas keeps streaming in, thoughts, visions, ideas and they are all keeping me wide awake.

This energy management that I have had to deal with most my life, is it ever going to get easier? This power is pulling too hard for my will to stay afloat in the waking hours. I feel myself sliding down. My grip is slipping and I'm beginning to fall. The ground is now beginning to swallow me bit by bit as I'm sinking, melting, dropping into the belly I go. Dropping down into the center of now. The blinking of my eyes has slowed even more and now seem as if the slow motion is moving in slow motion, and all around is speeding up. I’m spiraling. Where am I going? Too tired to care anymore. My grip softens.

My jaw lets go. The frown between my eyes disappears and I slide downward. Collapsing into the earth, as she shallows me bit my bit. And I’m sinking. Deeper and deeper. The darkness covers my eyes and the light flickers weaker, and fades as I allow my eyelids to do as they desire. All seem serene now. All seem quiet now. I feel safe. I surrender. I'm spiraling deeper into the center of now.

A journey inward.

Moving into stillness. Motionless. Senseless. Sweet rest. Eternal stillness. Sublime wakeful sleep.