A new sense of pleasure is bursting through the gates of heaven.
Igniting the world on fire. Painted with the sounds of innocent laughter.
Coloring the sky with scarlet red and indigo.
Painting a new heaven and earth.
A playground for the innocent and fearless.
Creating a gateway for sublime joy and uncontrollable laughter.
A caravan of possibilities makes their arrival from a long journey at last.
Carrying with it broken pieces of memory.
Pieces lost in a memory woven through shockwaves from the past.
Re-uniting child and innocence once more.
Child innocence with an immense desire to live with an unwavering purpose.
A drive force directed and experienced through the purity of a child’s heart
A life dipped in a dark chocolate coating, rich in sugar sweet fulfillment.
A life in service. Leaving traces of sweetness through each act of expression.
A life of clarity and precision. Steered by the impulses of a child’s senses.
A drive force directing age-old wisdom through playful existence.
Discovering a journey, footprints underneath the layers of this world.
Hidden beneath, exists another world now open for discovery.
An old world with messengers for this life.
A journey, this I see. Walking a full circle of eternal discovery.
A child chasing the sun, jumping fully into life.
Experiencing a sensitized adventure of belonging.
A playground of innocent wonder.
Toes in the mud. Ponytails in the wind.
Sounds of a familiar song echoing from above. A lullaby ancient, yet timeless.
The scratching of the needle seems to vanish with the melody of song.
A song about purpose, passion and power.
All covered in strawberry innocence and beauty.
A child returning home, remembering the innocence.
A soul revealing itself, remembering the journey.
A soul child walking along a path towards the now.
Collecting the past in a butterfly net.
Embracing what was. Loving what is.
Anticipating and endless supply of a fulfilling existence.
A messenger of the wind.
Discovering the undiscovered.
Celebrating the freedom of being alive.
The world is hers to entertain.
A child surrendering into the simplicity of life.
And here, a message from your own inner child.
Live through feeling. Express through being.
Love passionately. Open fearlessly.
Give endlessly. Be fully.
Surrender beyond possibility.
Speak truthfully.
Trust eternally.
Walk where no one has ever walked.
Create. Create. Create the life you TRULY are!!!!
Claim your child.
Surrender deeper into yourself.