Vision for 7 years from now ...

Laying under the Africa sky, counting shooting stars and listening to wild animals making sounds all around. I finally understand why I had to grow up in Africa.  And why I had to journey all the way to the other side of the world, in search of myself, the child that lost herself in the troubles of her surroundings.


 Each piece of memory brought a piece of wisdom with it. An opportunity to see with deeper clarity. An opportunity to feel my power and purpose from an even deeper place.


 I see the bridge, the link between the two countries, and many other bridges over the globe. Spreading wisdom, healing, love and many more wonderful things.


This trip was extra special. The group we hosted this time showed up in a profound way. Each time I host a trip like this, it feels as if it can’t get any richer, and yet it continue to proof me wrong. This feeling I have in my heart, is too big for words.



I understand my life, my journey, and my purpose on a very deep level. I’m living it. I’m loving it. I am walking my dream into reality.  We are packed and ready to depart back to the US where another life awaits. Another community of friends and loved ones. Another family.  What a gift to have more that one life wrapped up in one existence.


My work is never done. And, what I do, doesn’t feel like work either. As long as I give myself permission to rest a lot. Write a lot. And travel for fun as well. Then all is well in my world. I have found myself in places like Egypt, Bali, Ancient Greece, Spain, India … and many more in the last few years.



A relationship has arrived, one I never thought possible. One that mirror my higher souls vibration back to me. That gets me. It is easy. Imagine that. Even the work in it is rewarding. The love is real. A well deserved gift from a life long journey, healing this part of my karma and lineage.


One reward after another. All this because I chose 7 years ago that I will live my purpose and say yes to what my soul needs and desires. I broke through my resistance, and all barriers melt away. Each day that I get to walk on this path, life becomes richer and richer. Prosperity and love all around. This all, cos I have fallin in love with me. All of me.



Clarity is how I see.  Focus is how I direct my energy. Trust is what I have in myself. Power is where I live from. Love is what I receive. Beauty is what I share. Fulfillment is what I gain. Joy is what I express. Courage is what I teach. Surrender is how I dance. Vulnerability is how I show up. Immense gratitude is what I have. And who I am is what I give. Endlessly. Openly. Lovingly.


I teach. I love. I receive. I am me fully. And I love me. 


A bucket full of wisdom turned up at my front door today.

Shaping my day with a deeper shade of awareness.

A deeper sense of understanding, this life and its turnings. 

Connecting the dots and follow a trail back to its eternal beating heart. 

I find myself cozily wrapped inside this world. Hypnotized. Asleep. 

And time after time I practice climbing out of its chaotic make belief.


“Don’t loose yourself again dear one,” I hear myself say.

How do I participate in life, and not get swayed by the illusion of its existence? 

An eternal practice of waking up. WAKE UP! 

Stepping back into a deeper sense of being, while residing in the world.


Seeing life from a deeper place. A watcher

Feeling life from a deeper place. Allowing

Listening to life from a deeper place. Receiving.


Where do I go when I leave? What do I do when I get there?

Sitting in an empty space, filled with a lack of fulfillment… 

In this place I give up my power to feel. 

My power to choose. To transform and exist. BREATHE. 

My power to connect. To feel alive. To love, see, feel, and just

be! A place of CONNECTION. 

There is no separation in this existence I choose participate in. 

Yet I choose to believe so at times. 

Finding myself drifting aimlessly, on my way somewhere. 

Where am I going? Rushing. 

Surroundings unrecognizable by the one passing through. 

Beauty goes unnoticed. Unseen and lost in the chaos of the past.


Moment after moment die, without the gift of recognition. 

Blessings left in the dust behind the hasty one. 

One running away from life, in search of life. 

Just can’t seem to catch it. 

This illusion is robbing me from my power to exist in the fullness of myself.

A place of ownership of my soul and its journey till now. 

And each time when I do wake up and step out of this world.

I find. I discover. I remember. And I merge. 

Connection to the one that is connecting and connected.

A field of immense love and discovery can be mine. A choice. 

I find myself in a continual rebirth. A new me, yet ancient.

A feeling of new, sitting in the unknown mystery, yet familiar.

This place my soul knows so very well.

A beautiful shadow of wisdom that follows me everywhere.

This dance I participate in, so important and necessary,

for I am in need of remembering my own divinity. 

So many gifts each time I come back from a long sleep. 

So many friends I meet over and over and over again. 

Lifetime after lifetime. Moment after moment. 

Thank you for mirroring onto me, the I, that I am. 

Again and again and again. Sorry, as I keep forgetting.

The one hidden underneath the human suit

What a gift this life. What a gift you are, I see before me. 

What I gift you mirror onto me. Mirror onto you. Mirror onto me… 

This life compressed inside me. Is the mirror of this life I see before me. 

This life I think I disconnect from. Is a life I cannot disconnect from. 

As this life I see before me, is inside me. Is outside me. Is inside me… 

This life is the one I am. Has been. Will be. Am. Always. 

Even when illusion takes over, and makes me belief I am not life. 

Life will sit and watch patiently… waiting… smiling… 

For the one that is in search of that which she already is.


My Vision

"Clarity is how I see. Focus is how I direct my energy. Trust is what I have in myself. Power is where I live from. Love is what I receive. Beauty is what I share. Fulfillment is what I gain. Joy is what I express. Courage is what I teach. Surrender is how I dance. Vulnerability is how I show up. Immense gratitude is what I have. And who I am is what I give. Endlessly. Openly. Lovingly. 

I teach. I love. I receive. I am me fully. And I love me."



A new sense of pleasure is bursting through the gates of heaven. 
Igniting the world on fire. Painted with the sounds of innocent laughter. 

Coloring the sky with scarlet red and indigo. 
Painting a new heaven and earth. 

A playground for the innocent and fearless. 
Creating a gateway for sublime joy and uncontrollable laughter. 

A caravan of possibilities makes their arrival from a long journey at last. 
Carrying with it broken pieces of memory. 

Pieces lost in a memory woven through shockwaves from the past. 
Re-uniting child and innocence once more. 

Child innocence with an immense desire to live with an unwavering purpose. 
A drive force directed and experienced through the purity of a child’s heart

A life dipped in a dark chocolate coating, rich in sugar sweet fulfillment. 
A life in service. Leaving traces of sweetness through each act of expression. 

A life of clarity and precision. Steered by the impulses of a child’s senses. 
A drive force directing age-old wisdom through playful existence. 

Discovering a journey, footprints underneath the layers of this world. 
Hidden beneath, exists another world now open for discovery. 

An old world with messengers for this life. 
A journey, this I see. Walking a full circle of eternal discovery.

A child chasing the sun, jumping fully into life. 
Experiencing a sensitized adventure of belonging.

A playground of innocent wonder. 
Toes in the mud. Ponytails in the wind. 

Sounds of a familiar song echoing from above. A lullaby ancient, yet timeless. 
The scratching of the needle seems to vanish with the melody of song. 

A song about purpose, passion and power. 
All covered in strawberry innocence and beauty. 

A child returning home, remembering the innocence.
A soul revealing itself, remembering the journey. 

A soul child walking along a path towards the now. 
Collecting the past in a butterfly net. 

Embracing what was. Loving what is. 
Anticipating and endless supply of a fulfilling existence.

A messenger of the wind. 
Discovering the undiscovered. 

Celebrating the freedom of being alive. 
The world is hers to entertain.

A child surrendering into the simplicity of life.
And here, a message from your own inner child. 

Live through feeling. Express through being.
Love passionately. Open fearlessly. 

Give endlessly. Be fully. 
Surrender beyond possibility. 

Speak truthfully. 
Trust eternally.

Walk where no one has ever walked. 
Create. Create. Create the life you TRULY are!!!! 

Claim your child. 
Surrender deeper into yourself.

I'm a feeling being

Loved filled words spill through and out of me, splashing against the borders of life. Making sweet love to my lips as they pass through me and onto you. 

The immensity of the moment over takes me and runs me like wild horses. Caution to the wind. Bareback on top of the world. Freedom accompanies me, at last!

This freedom is mine to embody. Suit up. Suit down all barriers. Let go of all armor, I surrender. Why not? This, I cannot answer. 

Naked and bare I stand, awaiting these feelings to penetrate my consciousness. Finally giving them a voice to express. I’m ready to feel. I witness them passing through and out. A fire spreading like a symphony, burning away any traces of sorrow. 

Ashes blowing away in the wind, erasing traces of an old life. An old forgotten story. Belonging to the one sitting on top of the world, feet hanging off the side, watching life. Invisible seer of life. 

Diving into the shadow I go, collecting more of the hidden, yes I seek.
Transporting it back to life, creating a deeper sense of aliveness in my being. I feel. I am a feeling being. I allow an ocean of feelings to wash through me. Cleansing my soul of all the things that ‘weren’t allowed to be felt’, then. 

Through feeling, empowerment filters in. And here I stand. Grounded, empowered and in the fullness of belonging to the one inside.

Falling In love

Where are you arriving from mysterious stranger?
Looks like you are in pursuit of that which I’m seeking. 

Strong sensations are vibrating through the quiet of my womb.
Rising up from the dead, I am.

I watch as I clumsily climb back into life. Tip toeing around you, intriguing statue you are. Cautiously and curiously like an infant, watching you, I am. As if I’m seeing and taking in life for the first time.

Perhaps it is life I’m seeing for the first time. As what I’m used to receiving came with the stain of fear, birthed through the illusion of death, and disguised as life. 

My resistance is too weak to put up a fight. My limbs are numb. I’m speechless and find myself spiraling out of control. Yes, out of control, I am.

I am waking up from a long hibernation. I feel stirs from the depths of my internal world. I’m coming back to life and all because of this vision that’s taking over my sight. Coming back to life, I am.

One cannot let this gift of vision go to waste. Hypnotized forever, I am. Ruined forever, I am. To see such beauty before me. How will I ever be accepting of anything less?

This energy is soothing, and a healing ointment for my scars left unattended.

My body seems to forgot its practical functions and I witness myself falling to the ground. Paralyzed by sight, I am. Collapsing into a pool of wonder.
Consumed by you. A sight of immense possibility.

Entranced I sit. I loosen my grip of the world for a moment and climb into your body with both my eyes.

How can it be that you are standing here? Taking my vision hostage. Taking over my ability to function. I witness myself melting into you. Is it your dream I have become? Or is it I sitting in a dreamscape of desire?

May I share what I’m feeling? This sugar sweet feeling on my heart. Now dripping honey from my lips, messy as it runs down my skin, caressing me tenderly. Sweet, I am.

Excuse my stare. I’m paralyzed by your beauty and can’t seem to steer myself in any other direction. I’m locked into you forever, I am.

Out of control. Crazy, beautiful.

How rude of you to show up so unannounced.
Could you not have given me more time to prepare myself?

Where do I go from here? I feel a bit lost with this unexpected gift of presence.
How nice of you to stop by. Forever grateful, I am.

And so I treasure this moment and watch as…

You are receiving me, receiving you.
You are feeling me, feeling you.
You are seeing me, seeing you.

Forever in love, I am.


In the early morning hour, when the light begins to flicker through the grey of night.  I awoke. 

And through timeless motion something begins to stir.


Movement with the lack of action, and yet all is in motion. 

Petal by petal the unveiling reveals itself.


New visions now carry with them markings of the unfamiliar. 

A flower opening, and watching life from a place of silent presence.


Observing. An act of non-doing that rolls in more comfortably these days.

Non-action in the midst of action.


A watcher’s encapsulated vision now moving beyond the obvious. 

The obvious. Whatever that means anyway. Another label placed on society. What might be obvious to one, has to be obvious to another, right?


What is this I’m feeling?  A feeling indescribable. 

A seeker searching for words and left with a lack of discovery. 

Words. Meaningless vehicles to carry things that are of utmost meaning.


And this. Is this perhaps love, I’m feeling?  

Love.  How does one compress such magnificence into something so small? A 4- letter word?


These unfamiliar feelings brewing inside, are leaving me feeling mysteriously beautiful. 

And how does the flower shares her fragrance, this bubbling gift inside, if words can only degrade this fragrance of pleasure?


Is it perhaps a gift not to be shared with the outside world?


Perhaps this is a gift to the blossoming flower, and not to the bees that are seeking the life inside of it.


It is a gift onto itself. A flowering inward. An expansion while retrieving from words, thoughts and all that used to be colored by the fragrance of familiar.


To stay in this sweet space of perfection, one cannot desire to give it away to another. In exchange for it’s teachings, it needs to receive the gift of opening.

To allow its fragrance to permeate, the petals to drop, and the pleasures to merge. 

No need to resist.


So repeat after me.

You are so ready.